Dr. Murphy (appointment February 3rd):
After I arrived and was taken back to a room, I undressed waist up and changed into a nice comfy robe. They had a large tv screen set up to view information on breast augmentations (types of implants, types of incisions, a video, a gallery, complications, what to expect, etc.).
Dr. Murphy's nurse came in to do an initial exam and gather more information from me. She was super nice and informative. Then Dr. Murphy came in. He examined my chest and said I was borderline in either having just a breast augmentation or a breast augmentation with a benelli (donut lift). Warning: a bit TMI, so move on if you don't want to know about my boobs. See after breast feeding and pumping for my girls, they deflated a ton. Like 34D to 34 small B. And my nipples are lower from it too. They are right at the fold of the boob if you measure back towards your armpits. So they could do a regular augmentation and hope that they look great and my nipple position still makes them perky. Or I could go with the benelli which means they would cut around my areola to remove excess skin and pull it tighter (only lifting the nipple/areola area) and add implants in. I want to go back to a D which means I am borderline.
To be safe, they recommended the benelli (but it is a riskier operation...chances of the nipple/areola dying and not many surgeons like to do it or are willing to perform it.). This means cost goes way up. For pre-op, surgery, surgery center, the implants, doctor fees, anesthesia and post-op care, it would cost $10,000. Ouch. I was expecting $6,000 because my boobs are so small and don't really need a lift. And they don't need a lift. The areola/nipple area MIGHT.
He also noticed my belly button hernia. Like right away. Not just because of the scar, but he said you have an umbilical hernia. I told him I HAD one and had surgery last June. He said either it has reoccurred (stitches broken, didn't take, needed mesh) or I had a double hernia which my doctor and him if he had done it originally, wouldn't have caught. If it was the double hernia, one part was fixed and the other lies in the tubular part of my belly button. He had me do leg lifts and could feel the bulge. He also had me stand and could feel it. But when I lay down, it goes back in. So I do have one and it needs to be repaired before I change insurance plans. So I have to get that done before end of June.
So I will either get my umbilical hernia fixed ASAP (within a week or two from now) and wait on the boob job for 6 months to a year to save more or get my boobs done now.
Dr. Talbott (appointment February 9th): I arrived at Talbotts office and was taken back to a comfy room where I was able to watch tv and wait. Dr. Talbott came in shortly after and we started discussing breast augmentation. She showed me a silicone gel implant, showed me how durable it is, talked about research into silicone gel implants and the types of cuts she makes. She told me she did a local appearance where they debunked the fears of silicone gel by having someone stab the implant and seeing what would happen IF one ruptured inside of you.
I went over my history of breastfeeding, pumping, my abscess and my future plans. We talked in depth about my abscess and what happened, so she could better understand my scar and our game plan.
Then she had me change into a robe while she went to get some photos and more information. When she came back, she did an exam on me. She did several measurements (from my collar bone to my breast, the width of my aerolas, the length from my nipples down, the length in between, the length of my breast and so on. She told me I was an ideal candidate for breast augmentation and I didn't have much sag from breastfeeding.
She then told me she would want to do the cut under the breast because she didn't want to risk infection in my aerola because I had mastitis and a breast abscess which means I am more susceptible to infection in my breast ducts. She also said we would go behind the muscle for a cleaner, real look. We talked size and she told me that based on what I want, we would put in expanders, fill them with saline, then she would prop me up to see how they would lay and add/subtract until they were just right. Then they would record that number, drain the expanders and put in silicone based on the look, not the a letter (A, B, C, D). I told her I wanted around a small D so that is what we are going for, but based on the look. This way it insures me that we don't put say 450 cc's in and it is too small or large.
She took her time with me and made me feel extremely comfortable. Then came the price. It was around what I expected. $6,600.
Dr. McCormack (appointment February 9th): Last was my appointment with Dr. McCormack. She was very personable. I have a few (ok several) who have been to her for breast augmentation and/or lift. Her office was beautiful and I was taken back to her office to talk boobs.
We went over my history (she commented on how she thought my belly looked amazing for having twins since it is very common to do the breasts and tummy tuck in one) and then she had me change into a robe. After I was changed, she examined me. She did all the measurements that Dr. Talbott did. She said I could go either way. Either just a breast augmentation or I could get a very small lift, but not the sailor lift (think a sailor anchor as your scars). She said it would be a small snip it out if anything.
Then she had me put on a medical sports bra and she put in gel implants (cutlet looking things) to get an idea on sizing. I wanted something in between two sizes. Around 475 cc or 500 cc. Then she took me into the adjacent suite (part of the same area) and took 3d photos of my breasts and body. This was a very cool technology. It measures all my body parts, the difference between the two breasts (in ccs, length and size) and allows us to manipulate them to see what I would want. And at this time, we talked about my umbilical hernia and how I still had one. Everyone mentioned this and how apparent it is. And when I saw the pictures, it was even worse than I thought. I see it looking down and I can tell my belly button still sticks out, but it showed how much it still does and at every angle (from bottom up, it is way out). She did an exam on it too and said I should get it repaired.
Then we manipulated my image to show what I would look like with just implants and what I would look like with the implants and a small lift. Very similar since my nipples are in a good area. It was amazing to see what it all would look like on the computer (it would be a bit different on me than a computer, but you get a better understanding).
Then came time for price. For the breast augmentation it would be $6,600 and for the lift and breast augmentation it would be a few dollars over $10,000.
Conclusion: After thinking about it, I really want to get this done. BUT I think I need to get my umbilical hernia taking care of before my insurance changes on July 1st. My umbilical hernia is ugly, it hurts and it can be fixed by a plastic surgeon who is concerned with scarring. And he (Dr. Murphy) promised to pull it all the way in. To give me an innie again. He will use mesh to make sure it stays put and help fix my current scar. And it will be covered completely by my insurance. He will also be able to tell if it was a double hernia in the first place or if the other one "broke".
And then I will have my breast augmentation with Dr. Talbott in October. That way I can save more in between now and then and finance less. But I WILL be getting it done. I just need to wait and get this taken care of first. So no new boobs for summer, but come October they will be good as new and ready for the next snowboard season.
And if you read through the whole thing, you are awesome. So what do you think, did I make the best decision?

Yes, I would probably get the umbilical hernia taken care of first. I'm pretty sure that's what I have but I've never officially been diagnosed. I used to have a pretty little innie and now mine sticks out. It also hurts every now and then as well and it hurt really bad when I was preggo. I should probably get it checked out at my next appointment!
ReplyDeleteI had a little innie and then during pregnancy it went full on out. And after pregnancy, it never went back in at all. And it hurt a lot, so it was repaired, but either I have a double one (one in the tube part too) or it didn't take. I would get it checked out. Only because they said organs can push through and that scared me. You don't want to be working out or pull something and it gets really bad. I just had my general doctor check it out and then was recommended to a surgeon.
DeleteAwesome post - thanks for sharing your journey! I think you made the right decision in getting your hernia taken care of first.
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome. I will share more as I go through the umbilical surgery and the breast augmentation come October.
DeleteComing from a medical billing consultant, I definitely think dealing with the hernia first while you're still covered on this plan is the best option for now. The less you have to pay out of your pocket, the better! :)
ReplyDeleteI agree completely. Plus it does hurt and I don't want to make it worse or have organs/bowels/something come through and it gets even worse. Gotta take care of what I can first and then go for the elective stuff later.
DeleteWow! I definitely think you need to get the hernia taken care first. Good for you for doing this for yourself and knowing it's truly what you want. I'm impressed.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. I definitely need to get the hernia repaired because it will affect my life if I don't. The cosmetic part is secondary. I don't want the pain anymore and the fact that the doctor who originally did it wouldn't fix it (didn't want to admit his failure or that it was a double) and just wanted me to get ultrasounds and jump through hoops makes me mad. All three plastic surgeons noticed it right away and checked it out.
DeleteDefinitely the right decision to fix your hernia as that could cause serious health problems if you don't. I'm glad you're waiting on the boobs too, it will give your body more time to heal from pregnancy and birth. This is important so you can see how much your boobs are going to change on their own in that time. And also because that's a major surgery that will be hard on your body, something that should be considered for a long time before acting, in my opinion. Take care and be patient with your body. :) love and hugs
ReplyDeleteExactly. And I am getting it done ASAP. I wanted it fixed before, but the doctor who did the original wanted me to get an ultrasound at the hospital (way more money) and jump through other hoops. Basically he didn't want to admit if he didn't get it right in the first place (which he may have not or it was a double hernia which isn't his fault). So I saw a new doctor and have to pay my co-pay again, but better to get it fixed. And yes my body will have more time to recover and more time to figure out what I want to do. And this is an elective surgery which seems scarier to me. So I will be patient and let my body heal before making my final decision!
DeleteDoctors never want to admit when they messed up! Hope the new doc does a better job for you. You'll be in my thoughts.